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Burn Permit Rules and Regulations

While burning may be the simplest way to clean up a site, you may be breaking the law.  

Open burning, in a barrel or not, can release pollutants, reduce visibility, create unpleasant odors and cause toxic contamination.  With this is mind, burning can still be an effective way to clean some of the debris from your yard, farm or worksite.  However, you should keep in mind that under the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ENHANCEMENT ACT, burning certain materials is illegal.  Please follow the link to learn more before submitting an application:




Located in the Forest Protection Area?  Please apply for notification at Alberta Fire Permits. 

Not sure if thats you?  Review THIS Map to find out.



Burn Permit

Please complete the form to apply for a new Burn Permit.  Burn Permits are good for 10 days upon approval.   


Be aware, all Burn Permits are subject to random inspections.  Owners are subject to penalties under current bylaws and the Province of Alberta Environment regulations. 


Once we receive and review it, we will be in contact with a new permit or to schedule an inspection.  DO NOT START BURNING UNTIL APPROVED.


Thank you!

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Any questions, contact Nicole at 403-627-9419



Questions or Concerns?

Submit the form below with any questions or concerns and you will hear back from one of our Staff as soon as possible. Thank you!

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Mon-Friday 8am-5pm

655 Charlotte Street

Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0

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Pincher Creek Emergency Services Commission

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