Fire Safety and Fire Prevention
What is Fire Smart?
As more and more people move into the rural landscape and into our forested areas, it becomes more important than ever for landowners to be better prepared.
It is a process of preparing your property to better withstand a wildfire. This is done by vegetation management, smart building design and property management.
Follow this link for a 1 hour FREE course on Firesmart.
Pincher Creek Emergency Services Commission in partnership with the Alberta Government through Agriculture and Forests has produced a Wildfire Mitigation Strategy. This strategy outlines areas of concern within the Town snd MD of Pincher Creek that could be improved to reduce the risk of wildfire. The plan can be viewed below and is in conjunction with Fire Smart principles, which will help reduce the risk of wild fire and also reduce the risk to property in the event of a wild fire.

More Information:
What to do in the event of a wildfire:
Stay calm and follow directions of local authorities.
Follow local news and reputable social media for critical updates, including Alberta Emergency Alert.
Prepare your property following fire smart practices.
Wildfire Mitigation Strategy 2016:
The Wildfire Mitigation Strategy is a document that outlines areas of possible wildfire risk in the community and surrounding Municipal District. The strategy is being used to help reduce the risk of wildfire throughout the MD including Castle Mountain Resort and The Town of Pincher Creek. Follow the link to view the plan:
Fire Safety Info:
Fast Facts About Fire In Alberta:
On average there are 5,800 fires reported to the Alberta Fire Commissioner each year.
These fires result in an average of 33 deaths, 312 injuries and $300 million in direct property loss.
Homes account for 28% of all fires.
Homes account for 63% of all fire deaths and 60% of all fire injuries.
Most home fires start in the kitchen due to unattended cooking.
Careless smoking is the number one cause of home fire deaths.
Seniors have the highest risk of dying in a home fire in Alberta.
Smoke inhalation is the number one cause of death in home fires.
Most fire deaths occur in people who are asleep at the time of fire.
One in every five fires in Alberta are deliberately set.
Taking action when the alarm sounds:
It sits there quietly or occasionally it might send out a chirping noise. Unfortunately, too many Albertans ignore it or see it as a nuisance. However, your fire alarm is a critical part of keeping you and your family safe. When the smoke alarm goes off, it is your signal to get out of your home quickly. Smoke alarms are designed to detect smoke VERY early. This gives you and your family precious seconds needed to escape from homes or buildings before the fire and smoke spread.
The sound of a smoke alarm alerts everyone that smoke or fire is nearby. Make sure that everyone in your home knows what to do when the alarm sounds and there is smoke or fire.
Get out quickly if there is a fire, because fire moves extremely fast.
Teach children to never hid from smoke and fire in closets or under beds. It is mot possible to hide from fire, but it is possible to escape. Young children and the elderly or disabled should alert parents or caregivers for help in escaping safely.
Know two ways out of all rooms. If heat or smoke blocks the usual fire exit (door), then use the second way out (another door or window).
Test doors before opening them.
Feel the door and look for smoke coming in around the edges.​
If the door is not hot and there is no smoke coming in, open it slowly, but be prepared to slam it shut if heat or smoke rush in.
If the door is hot, use your other exit point (another door or window).
If you must escape through smoke, get low and go under the smoke to the nearest exit. Smoke will rise to the ceiling, leaving cooler, cleaner air close to the floor.
If you live in an apartment building and the smoke alarm goes off, only use stairs, NEVER use an elevator.